

We all love it!! I could eat a big bowl of steamed rice!!! Yummy!!!


Pure White Corn ☆

Hi, matee!!
Today I got a rare vegetable. Or perhaps I should say I've never seen such a vegie.

It is a "Pure Whith Corn".

Usually, they harvest corns in July and August. But this white corn is shipped from the end of August till the end of September! I'm a great fan of corns and I have just started to miss the summer, corn season. And found this!!! Wow!!

The grains look so white and shine brightly like pearls! (Exaggerating? Actually they name it a Pearl-Corn! lol) The skins are very thin. Its taste? Yep, creamy and really sweet!! Someone put its sweetness as melon. (I'm wondering about that...hehehe)

I did a little research and found that it's from Hokkaido,northernmost of Japan's 47 prefectures, where the temperature deference is extreme. There're lots of delicious foods there, I would talk about it some other time!

I peeled the cornhusk and wrapped it with a wet papersheet and microwaved it for about 5 minutes. I'm afraid I can't call it "cooking",but I guess it's the best way to enjoy its sweeeetness! :)))



There're various kinds of 瓜 (gourd,Cucurbitaceae) available in Japan.
Among them, these four below are very popular.
*南瓜 (pumpkin, 南=south, 瓜=gourd )
*胡瓜 or 黄瓜 (cucumber, 胡=a region in China, 黄=yellow)
*西瓜 (water melon, 西=west)
*冬瓜 (winter melon, 冬=winter)

I'd like to introduce 冬瓜 today.
Strange enough, 冬瓜 (winter melon) is a summer vegetable. Then why is it named a winter melon? Because it can be stored until winter!! Wow!!
It has no taste itself but when the soup soak in it, it's so delicious!

If you happen to get one, try this recipe. (It's originally cultivated in Southeast Asia)
1. Peel off the 冬瓜's skin thick and cut
2. Cut some slices of pork
3. Fry 冬瓜 with sesame oil until it get toasted color and take them out
4. Add a little more oil to the pan and fry slices of pork
5. Put 冬瓜 back in the pan and pour a cup of dashi (or consomme), salt, soysauce
6. Simmer it until the soup gets low
7. Bon Appetit!!